Saturday, May 22, 2010

Death of an Animal

It is very common incident which occur during the animal activity. Nobody cares for the death of any animal. I, myself, has been never cared the death of that mice. But i can say that it has induced a feeling of "Sanyas" in me. Why it happens to me, I don't know. But I can say that, watching any animal, while it was dying because of you, induced a feeling of  "Virakti" in me.
That mice was not feeling well at the start of activity. its whole body was yellowish in contrast to the other mices whose body is slightly pinkish. When I have given the normal dosing to that mice, it had shown the writhings (a type of symptoms). But after some time, that animal started to strech its arms and legs and taking its last breath. After some time it began to throw its arms and legs very fast and repeatedly as the soul or spirit of that mice was leaving its body. I was watching closely to that animal. At last the mice had died. The spirit of that mice had leave its body to take birth in another body. The golden principle of  "Gita" applies to everywhere.
On this, if I thinks that "I am the slayer", or the spirit of mice think that it has been slayed, then both of them don't know that I (God) create, destroy and then recreate to re-destroy. This is the endless chain of life and everybody have to face it.
This is the fact. 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Some links to my papers

Some of my papers have been published in the journals. I am giving here the link of my papers. In addition to this I have also communicated my research article in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry Research. I have written my paper by doing hard work throughout the day and night. If my papers have been selected in these journals then it will be a matter of great pleasure for me.
The links are here....................
My Review article on thiadiazole   IJPTR
My Review article on Pyrimidine   IJPSR
A Review article on Herbal drugs  Pharmacologyonline

Activity on animals

During these days, my project work is going on full swing. I believe that my project is so much useful. I have synthesized my compounds and now, i am testing my compounds for their activity. When i was testing my compounds, I have filled with the so much respect towards the animals used for testing of new chemical entity. I have filled with the mercy for albino mice and rats. We are such a persons who sacrifices the animals only for our selfishness.
At the same time, it came in to my mind that these animals are grown in the laboratory only for testing and laboratory use purpose. But being a human, we should not handle them with cruelty. My laboratory activity on animals last in one week. After this I came to realize that how much pain and ailments these animals suffer when any laboratory activity have been done on them. It is OK that there is law for their prevention from cruelty, but the law can only take in to effect when you care for them.
So in the future whenever you handle them, always think that they are also the creature and having the birth right to live on this earth as you.